It is best for your development in yoga to commit to regular frequency of practice. We therefore encourage you to take up a monthly subscription according to your desired practice frequency.   

If for some reason you are unable to practice once a week consistently then the 10x class pass is available and is valid for four months.

The different pricing options are on the  ‘Classes & Events’ page.

The subscription arrangement is quite relaxed except it must be by automatic payment. There is no ‘contract’ and you are not ‘locked-in’ as is the case with many gyms and yoga schools.  

Membership is by a monthly automatic payment, it is not a month-to-month fee.

It is not acceptable to keep changing the date of your monthly payment.

It is not acceptable to keep changing the pass type, changes are accepted when your ongoing needs change.

If you are absent for a longer period, a fortnight or more, due to illness or vacation then it is acceptable to pause the payment for this period.  

You are free to stop the payment anytime if you no longer wish to come.

Because you miss some classes in the previous period it is not acceptable to come more frequently than your pass type (unless you are in a financially challenged situation in which case we will make an exception).

Anytime you can attend extra classes for the member's drop-in price of $15.

If you are a full time student, unwaged, or in a financially challenged situation we will make a special membership price for you, please speak with Stewart.